

Conference Interpretation

booth_photoSimultaneous interpretation , also known as UN-style interpretation, allows your audience to understand your ideas fully and completely in real time.  Simultaneous interpretation requires a booth and a team of one or two technicians; and two or three interpreters depending on the length and complexity of your event.  We can provide the equipment and top-notch interpreters.  A specially designed soundproof interpretation booth manned by a trained technician secures the quality of signal transmission; sound quality, and compatibility with the PA system at the event venue.  It can take up to three hours to set up a booth or to move it from room to room. Interpreter’s voice is transmitted from the booth where s/he sits to headsets, available to all who need to listen to interpretation.  This is the only professional way to organize interpretation at a multilingual conference, or a bilingual conference with 20 or more participants.

Liaison or Business Interpretation

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Liaison or business interpreting is used for individual or delegation visits that require holding meetings at multiple venues, e.g. road shows, tours of facilities, or a series of meetings in different offices. We recommend consecutive mode of interpretation if your meeting needs to be interactive. A meeting with consecutive interpretation can usually be staffed by one interpreter, but may also require two interpreters, depending on the length and the intensity of the event and the complexity of topics. No special equipment is necessary. When planning your event, please take into consideration that consecutive interpretation will increase the length of your meeting by at least 50% and in some cases may even double it.

Interpretation with Portable EquipmentUnder certain circumstances, if time is of the essence and the group is relatively small, liaison interpretation may be done in the simultaneous mode with the use of portable equipment. In general, if the delegation you are hosting has fewer than 20 people, portable equipment (a transmitter and individual headsets) can be used. In this scenario, the interpreter talks softly into a microphone that she carries. Without a soundproof booth around him, the interpreter’s voice will necessarily be audible in the room even to those who do not need interpretation and do not wear receivers. Some speakers may find it distracting to hear interpretation they are making a presentation. Portable equipment is not designed for large audiences.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs and to answer your questions.